
Atmospheric Hideaway - Simple VRChat World

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Atmospheric Hideaway - Simple VRChat World

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A simple VRChat world 3d modeled 100% from scratch by me, KawaiiFira

Optimized Material Count with easy edit to add pictures to the 8 picture frames in the room
Has plenty of space to add prefabs
Aesthetic and calming lighting, with mirror and post processing
Has a UI to toggle mirror and post processing designed by me

Unity Project Data:

This project uses the VRChat Creator Companion.

VRC World Toolkit + U# needed. U# should already be included the project but VRC world Toolkit will need to be added manually through the creator companion.

As is, the world is 25.37 MB on PC when uploaded


Please do not claim as your own or re-sell, but you may make whatever edits you see fit
Can be made a public world if you wish
I'd prefer if you kept my credits in the world
Please please don't use my world for malicious intent

Additional Information:

How to Convert to Quest:

Go to the project folder, you created-- it will probably be in documents or wherever you save your unity project files. Make a copy of your unity project of this world. Once it has completed copying, rename the file to have "quest." open this file by adding it through unity hub. Go to the top tabs to select VRCHAT SDK > Show Control Panel
Then go to the "Builder" tab in the control panel, and change the "selected platform" from "Windows" to "Android" then upload to the same blueprint id that you uploaded. Normally when copied, it will already be the correct blueprint id "which can be found in the "SceneDescriptor" in the left hierarchy.
Then you should be good to upload.
Reccomended: delete "PostProcessing" and "Reflection Probe" out of the quest file in the hierarchy before converting to quest. Do not convert the pc version to quest as you will need one that is pc and one that is quest.

For the PC Version once importing the package:

Click the unity thing that says "ClickMe" and it will load the scene. You can edit from there.

ps: once you create the project in Creator Companion, open the project, and then drag the world package into the assets area. It may take some time to import everything, just be patient. :)

How to edit pictures:

Below is the texture for the picture frames you will be looking for. The file is called "PictureFrameBase". To get the file to edit, right click the image in your assets, and select "Show in Folder". From there you can drag the photo into a photo editing software. The white is where you put your photographs. Arrange your photo over the white box, use the magic tool to select the white, go to selection and "invert selection" and delete everywhere outside of the white on your photograph. this will make it fit nicely. For the white boxes turned horizontally, the right side is the bottom for your photograph.

Preview the world here: https://vrchat.com/home/launch?worldId=wrld_84daf504-3fcc-4687-aee8-01d602fa317b

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